April 3, 2008

Grupo Modelo - Corona Extra

What: Grupo Modelo - Corona Extra
Style: American Macro Lager
Vessel: Bottle (no glass offered)
Price: Free
Where: Omni Championsgate - Orlando
When: April 3, 2008
Rating: 7
Comments: Yeah, I'm not a fan. This beer was free (thank goodness). I was hoping to avoid this one, but I had exhausted (so I thought), all of my beer options on site and I had to take one for the team. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Ever. Having said that, I happened across this article in the WSJ yesterday at dinner (after I sampled this beer) that some of you might find interesting. Also, after reading the article I was driven to the http://www.beerinsights.com - lots of good info about the business side of the industry there.
Ratebeer Link: http://ratebeer.com/beer/corona-extra/742/


CorrND said...

Corona is quite possibly the most overrated beer in the world. Why tell people to throw lime in their beer? Because it takes like ass without it. Seriously, throw a lime in any macro lager and it tastes exactly like Corona with lime. We used to do that with bottles of Old Style in college. I don't want lime anywhere near my beer these days.

Corona does get points for brilliant marketing, though.

Fred said...

Funny you say that about the lime in a macro...I'm working on a post that links to an article about Bud Light coming out with a lime version. Seriously. What a bad idea.