April 3, 2008

Anheuser-Busch, Inc. - Budweiser

What: Anheuser-Busch, Inc. - Budweiser
Style: American Macro Lager
Vessel: Bottle (no glass offered)
Price: Free
Where: Omni Championsgate - Orlando
When: April 3, 2008
Rating: 4
Comments: So a lot of folks buy this beer. It is the King of Beers, and all. For a long time I didn't have much of an appreciation for Bud. I've tried to be more objective, and not dismiss it, just because it's a macro. I bet if macro haters (myself included) tried this blind, they'd think it was pretty good. This was the perfect setting to give it a whirl - it was free, there weren't many selections offered at the cocktail hour, and I hadn't "reviewed" it. It's a pretty decent beer. I can understand why so many folks buy it - an almost unlimited marketing budget, it's cheap, and it's pretty good.
Ratebeer Link: http://ratebeer.com/beer/budweiser/473/


Matt said...

Nothing wrong with cheap beer, can't say I am a fan of Bud though

Fred said...

Amen to that - cheap beer is a good thing. You don't get $1.75 pints of craft beers very often.