April 8, 2008

Mad Anthony Brewing Co. - Mad Anthony Pale Ale

What: Mad Anthony Brewing Co. - Mad Anthony Pale Ale
Style: American Pale Ale
Vessel: Pint Glass
Price: $1.75 (Thanks BadaBoomz!)
Where: BadaBoomz (downtown)
When: April 7, 2008
Rating: 3
Comments: After seeing posts on DIG-B and the related comments about the absolutely incredible $1.75 you call it pints at BadaBoomz yesterday, the ever supportive wife and I decided to make a go of it, before heading to a friend's house to watch the "big game" (calling it the big game won't get me in trouble with Myles Brand and the evil empire I like to call the NCAA, will it? Now, because I had the nerve to mention the game, on a non-commercial blog, that they are getting hundreds of millions of $, as a not for profit, I'll probably need to send them a check).

This was, incredibly, our first visit to BadaBoomz since they changed from BW-3's. We had been to the north side location (can anyone out there tell me the relationship between the two locations - they seem to share a philosophy, but the food options are slightly different and the experience is quite different), but not the downtown location. It got off to just a bit of a rough start as we weren't sure if we were supposed to seat ourselves and we had a couple of workers walk by and ignore us. We decided to venture in and choose our own seat and we were promptly greeted and the service was excellent from that point on.

Sorry about the detour...back to the evening and the beer. After much hand wringing and indecisiveness, I decided to start off with the Mad Anthony Pale Ale. I was pretty happy with my selection. It had a good hop undertone with a mild sweetness. This was the first time I experienced anything from Mad Anthony & I liked it. I liked it enough to try another.
Ratebeer Link:

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